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Join Today

The Scout Association offers fun and everyday adventure to 573,000 young people between the ages of 6 and 25 across the United Kingdom.

Join Scouting Today…

Welcome to our group! we have two sections, with a highly experienced team of leaders who have a wealth of specialist knowledge enabling them to support young people with additional needs.

We try to offer everything the average scout group does – in a safe and happy environment, where with the additional help we can enable youngsters to develop their full potential

Everything can be adapted to suit individuals to ensure they don’t miss out on all the action!

Come and join the fun, challenge and adventure with us!

For boys & girls aged 10 upwards – especially those who need the additional support your local group may not be able to provide!

46th Norwich Scouts & Explorer Scout Unit:

We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month from 2.00.pm. to 4.30.pm. at the Alec Bussey Scout Centre, Rowington Road, Norwich NR1 3RR
(Fully Wheelchair Accessible)

46th Norwich N&NUH Scout & Guide Unit:

Offering Wednesday evening activities those who have to stay on the buxton children’s ward in the Norfolk & Norwich University hospital

Open to any young person over 5 years old – whether a member of either Scouts or Guides – from 6.30.pm. to 8.00.pm.

Email us and come along!